LAUNCH is a Wednesday night (6:30-8 p.m.) discipleship series for 3rd-5th graders. LAUNCH seasons are 8 weeks long and run in the fall (before Thanksgiving) and winter (before spring break).

At LAUNCH, kids complete fun worksheets in table groups with adult leaders. The program is geared toward conversations and activities that guide kids to ask questions and search Scripture for the answers. We'll discover how they all fit into God's BIG story that began at Creation, centers on Jesus, and ends in a perfect kingdom where God's people live forever with Him.

LAUNCH Learning Objectives

Through engaging in LAUNCH, students will be able to...

Use a Bible's organizational helps (table of contents, chapter and verse markers) to look up references.

Restate in their own words the basic meaning of a section of Scripture.

Share how a given Scripture affects their view of God, their feelings or their choices.

Invite God into their daily lives, problems, choices and relationships.

Display a growing trust in and admiration of Jesus.

LAUNCH Materials

In the list below you can find links to PDF versions of the LAUNCH materials so you can print them at home anytime.

Fall 2024 Downloads

Oct. 2: Power You Can Trust

God showed His power to rescue His people, so they would learn to trust Him.

The same power is available to us, to make us right with God, when we trust Him.


Winter 2024 Downloads

Jan. 17: The Parable of the Sower

We used actual seeds, weeds and soil to remember the details about the heart qualities that help us grow as disciples.


Jan. 24: Prayer Night

As we studied the Lord’s Prayer, we spent one night of LAUNCH praying with different prompts.

Take-Home Sheet

Jan. 31: The Rich Young Ruler

Jesus said this man needed just “one thing,” but then gave him three instructions. How does that make sense?


Feb. 7: Jesus Heals at the Pool

What does Jesus’ healing of the paralyzed man on the Sabbath tell us about Him?


Feb. 14: Jesus Calms the Storm

How does faith affect fear?


Feb. 21: Jesus Heals a Woman and a Daughter

Does anything take Jesus by surprise? What do we make of times in Scripture when Jesus gets interrupted?


Feb. 28: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead

We looked closely at the way this story is told to understand what the writer wanted us to see.


March 6: Triumphal Entry

What does it mean to say that Jesus is “Messiah” and “King”?


Fall 2023 Downloads

Sept. 27: The Tabernacle

God wants people to find and know Him. Even before He gave the Bible, He set up a tabernacle and a system for people to take care of their sin so they could know and live with Him.



Full size version (if you have a big printer)

Oct. 4: The Sun Stood Still

God did something mindblowing to help His people come into the land He promised them. Even the Bible author himself was taken aback—there had never been a day before like it. The world would ring forever of the amazing day when God listened to a mere human. Oh, and by the way the sun and moon stood still in the sky, that was really something too.

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (includes answers)

Full size version (if you have a big printer)

Oct. 11: Deborah the Unexpected

God makes a big deal out of the fact that a woman deals the finishing blow in setting His people free from their oppressors. Why is that important? What does that tell us about the way God likes to rescue His people?

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (includes answers)

Full size version

Oct. 18: When God Speaks Up

We use our Bible study skills to sharpen focus on the moment God spoke into Israel’s history, starting with a young boy named Samuel, and revved up the next phase of His plan to redeem His people.

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (with answers)

Full-size version (for big printers)

Oct. 25: God's King Is Best

God picked David because Saul failed as king. But even David wasn’t perfect. We study the life and times of Israel’s first kings and land on the amazing qualities of God’s true perfect king in episode 5 of LAUNCH.

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (with answers)

Full-size version (for big printers)

Nov. 1: Why the Fire?

Why doesn’t God still send fire from heaven to prove He’s real and He cares about us? If you look closely, you’ll see God isn’t done meeting the needs of the people He loves by doing what only He can do. The question for us is, how are we gonna respond to His announcement?

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (with answers)

Full-size version (for big printers)

Nov. 8: Seeing and Believing

In Isaiah 6, God gives His prophet a message: Though His people have seen and heard Him, they have failed to listen and believe Him, so now even seeing and hearing would be taken away from them. But it wasn’t forever. Jesus came to bring their sight and hearing back, and give everyone the chance to turn to God and be saved. The truth is, those who believe get to see Him, not the other way around.

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (with answers)

Full-size version (for big printers)

Nov. 15: Looking Different

We took a little deeper dive into the Sunday-School-famous story of Daniel’s 3 friends and the fiery furnace. They chose to follow God even though it meant death. So did somebody else that’s even more famous—Jesus. What could possibly be worth giving up your life? According to Jesus, it’s worth it for your Lord and His gospel.

Printable with blanks

Leader’s/Parent’s guide (with answers)

Full-size version

Winter 2023 Downloads

Jan. 18: Temptation of Jesus

The lies the devil used to try to tempt Jesus weren’t new, and they haven’t gone extinct yet. He’s still using the same tricks to cause us to doubt God’s power and love for us.



Jan. 25: Jesus Changes Peter's Life

The life-change that Jesus offers isn’t an instantaneous, over-and-done-with thing. There is a difference right away, but we keep growing, making mistakes, and learning until the end of our time on earth. This sanctification process is illustrated in Peter’s life.



Feb. 1: Amazing Moment on the Mountain

At the top of a mountain, Jesus’ closest friends get a glimpse of who he REALLY is—and the voice of God commands Jesus’ disciples to listen to him.



Feb. 8: Do I Know God? Do I Love God?

A sinful woman crashes a party because she wants so deeply to show love to Jesus. Where does that love come from? Could we love Jesus like that?



Note: Many of the questions this week are more personal, so several answers will vary. Also, the files linked have been modifed from the original so they are printable on letter-size paper. For a copy of the original, 11×17″ worksheet, stop by the CM office.

Feb. 15: What Is the Kingdom of God?

Jesus said “Let the children come to me… God’s kingdom belongs to people like them.” What is God’s kingdom, and what does it mean that it “belongs” to somebody?



Note: Files have been modified to fit on letter-size paper.

Feb. 22: What Do You Want Him to Do?

Bartimaeus asks Jesus to do big, miraculous things for him, and Jesus says yes. What does this say about who Jesus is? When we see Jesus the way Bartimaeus did, how does that change us?



This episode of LAUNCH was canceled in-person due to a winter storm. We hope you can still take part in the activities, and we’d love to talk them over with you! Email with questions or comments.

Feb. 29: Zacchaeus and Knowing Jesus

The “chief tax collector” goes from being a spectator of the Jesus parade, to having Jesus over to his house to share his life. When you look at the difference that afternoon made, you can see how knowing Jesus—rather than just knowing about Jesus—can change a heart completely.



March 8: Asking the Impossible

Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan is world-famous as an example of how important it is to see people in need and stop to help them. But Jesus told this story to a man who wanted to know how to gain eternal life. If this is the standard—sacrificial, selfless love for everybody, all the time—then who can possibly get into heaven?

