Good News of Great Joy: Study #4

Christ Community Church   -  

RESCUE: A Savior Born unto Us 
Luke 2:11 
This week’s teaching focused on the saving rescue we have in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As you begin this study together, ask the Spirit of God to bring about a greater personal awareness of how Christ Jesus has been a Savior in your life…and how He might be so for someone else you know.
Have you ever been rescued? Share your experience with your group…

Taken to the hospital in an ambulance
Underwent emergency surgery
Plucked from a too-deep lake or end of a swimming pool
Helped in a time of financial crisis
Found after a time of being lost
Trapped in a cave or maze
[Your experience] 


What is similar about the “before” of all the rescues you’ve shared? What kind of condition are you in? Why could you (personally) “rescue” yourself?
What is a “rescue”? How would you define or describe it? What actually happens? And…
Describe “post-rescue” feelings? What does a “rescue” teach you about yourself…and about the one who stepped in?

This week’s teaching brought the rescue of our spiritual salvation into view. My “salvation” – one brought about by the Savior – begins with a REPENTANT HEART (clearing away the “obstacles” that are in the way of receiving what Jesus can do). Then, it moves to RECOGNIZING IN FAITH (or trust) that only Jesus can deliver me from my sin, and give me His cleansing forgiveness and righteousness. Let’s look at these two steps.
The Biblical word repentance means “to change one’s thinking or perspective.” We often have ways of thinking or perspectives that are “in the way” of acknowledging I need Christ. John the Baptist declared “Clear the way! Make a straight path for the Lord’s coming!”
IDENTIFY some of the ways of thinking—the obstacles—that often keep people (perhaps even us) from admitting a unique need for Christ.


Who must be at work to bring about a step of repentance? (John 16:8-11)
the Biblical word “faith” means “to believe, to trust, to completely rely or depend upon.” “Believe” should actually be translated “believe into” – when someone believes in Christ, they are actually leaning into a new relationship with Him. Sometimes people go through religious ritual and ceremony, but have not taken that personal step—made the choice–to trust completely in the Savior.
What do the following passages teach about what happens when a step of faith is chosen?

John 3:16-17
 John 6:35
John 8:23-25
John 12:44-48

John 5:24,36
John 7:38
John 11:25-26
Ephesians 2:8-10

Which of these verses particularly struck you? Have you personally “believed in(to) Christ yet? Is there someone you know who needs these verses?
Surprisingly, surveys of churches (even Bible teaching churches) have discovered that there are many who come to church but have not actually taken the “faith step” of trusting in, or believing into, Christ. Again, have you? Are you completely trusting, not in what you can do to earn or merit the Lord’s “rescue,” but in what Jesus Christ did for you…in dying for your sin and being raised from the dead?
Our mission is connecting people to life-defining relationships in Christ. When we are rescued by the Savior from the penalty of our sins, and the power of sinning, we are (as Jesus said) “free indeed” (cf. John 8:36).

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed! 

Identify someone who needs to hear clearly how Jesus can uniquely rescue them. Pray that what may be an “obstacle” in their believing be taken out of the way. Pray that they will see their need—clearly—for the Savior. The way YOU did!