In Proverbs 3:9 we are challenged to, “Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce,” not because God needs anything from us, but because our hearts are changed when we give.
At Christ Community Church, we encourage our church family to make it a priority to support our overall mission by giving to the Annual Budget. The Sunday offering and all undesignated contributions go towards supporting all the ministries of this Body. Prayerfully-considered and regular giving in this way advances all the Lord is doing through us and throughout the ministry year.
Beyond the Annual Budget, we have a benevolent giving option called Caring Fund. You can learn more about each fund below. In addition to the traditional method of giving on a Sunday morning, we offer an online giving option. The GIVE NOW button in the header above will open the Planning Center Giving pop-up, where you can give. You can give a one-time gift or set up regular payments directed to one or more of the three funds.
Fiscal Year (June 1 through May 31)
*Annual Budget includes the Sunday offering and all undesignated contributions.
Christ Community Church is committed to financial responsibility, accountability, and transparency with its members. It is our desire to provide timely and clear financial updates. Specific details are shared with all members at congregational meetings. If there are questions prior to those meetings we are happy to accommodate those requests. Please contact:
Church Treasurer – Bart Clark
We have the privilege of serving hundreds in our community through the Caring Fund ministry. Residents of Ames who qualify can receive financial assistance with rent, utilities and related living expenses. This fund allows us to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the community. We encourage you to partner with this ministry today!
When giving online, simply select “Caring Fund”. When writing a check, please include “Caring Fund” in the memo line. Special envelopes can also be found at the Welcome Center.
Watch this short video to learn about managing your online giving account and/or recurring gifts.
Want to learn more or read the tutorial?
Click the button below to view the full, written tutorial on giving.
Interested in the stewardship and financial health of Christ Community Church? Read updates on giving, budget, campaigns, and other stewardship related items here.

Use the form below to ask any questions you may about giving!