Letters Study #6

Kyle Bartholic   -  

This week’s teaching unpacked the truth that, only the Gospel has the power to truly reconcile my life and reorient the way that I live.

Get STARTED – Talk about who in your life has modeled this truth for you? Think of someone whose life has been clearly reoriented through the power of the Gospel.

  • Who was it?
  • What imprint on your life?
  • Why was his/her imprint head-and-shoulders over others? God’s hand in this?
  • When you think of your life, what is different about you because of the power of the Gospel?

Explore the WORD   Paul is writing Romans to a group of believers in Rome. He was acquainted with this church, but had never been there and didn’t plant it. He wrote Romans as a theological treatise to gain confidence with the Roman church, so that Rome could be his home base for a new missionary endeavor to Spain and beyond. Jump to Romans 8, and follow the study method below.

Keep an eye out for:

  • Righteousness – Paul uses this word 33 times in Romans. In Greek, it has a dual meaning – a change in status (who I am) and a change in perspective (how I live my life).

Observations – Make 7-10 observations from the passage.

  • What stands out to you? (Words that are repeated, places, people, ideas, or questions that you might have.)

Principles – From your list of observations, write out 2-4 principles (truths) that stand out in this passage.

Application (Prioritize APPLICATION) – From your list of principles, which 1-2 truths does the Lord want you to apply to your life this week?

  • Remember, a good application is memorable and measurable.
  • Consider: How does this help or push me to embrace the way of Jesus more specifically this week?

NOTE:  This week’s LETTERS READING PLAN calls for the reading of 1&2 Thessalonians throughout this week.