The Real Sin of Sodom—Reach Sunday Study Questions

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Sunday’s Teaching:  This Reach Sunday teaching focused on the neglect of the poor and needy, and how our solution is surprisingly found in us better understanding the gospel.

Let’s get STARTED warm up by discussing the following:

  • Have you ever been poor, or felt poor before? If not, have you known someone poor?
  • How did that poverty make you feel? Embarrassed?  Uncomfortable?  Compassionate?  Something else?
  • Share some of the challenges that a poor person might have to deal with on a regular basis

Let’s Explore in the WORD

  • The gospel of Luke and the book of James are instructive regarding poverty. According to Luke 6:20-21 and James 2:5, what has God promised the poor?
  • Jesus is not saying that poverty in itself is a state of happiness or blessing; it is only a blessing when accompanied by trust in God (ESV Study Bible p.1962). Have you ever lacked to the point that you had to trust God for his provision?  How did that turn out?
  • Read Ezekiel 16:49. Do you think it’s possible to pursue the American Dream and not be arrogant, overfed, or unconcerned?  Why or why not?  According to Matthew 6:33 (written in the context of trusting God for basic needs), what are we called by Jesus to pursue?
  • Read Matthew 5:3. What does it mean to be poor in spirit?  How is the apostle Paul an example of that (see 1 Timothy 1:15)?
  • Jesus is a big Savior for big sinners. How can this understanding of the gospel motivate us to love Him and others (including the poor) well?  Read Luke 7:36-50 (especially verse 47b) for a beautiful picture of this truth.

Let’s Prioritize APPLICATION

  • Humility towards the poor requires a long-term teachable spirit. Consider reading one or more of the following books:  The Myth of Equality (Ken Wytsma), Woke Church (Eric Mason), and The Color of Compromise (Jemar Tisby).  The website is helpful for parents of teens.  Share what you learn with others!
  • Christ Community’s value of radical generosity means that we live adventurously to impact our world. Share one or two ways you could do this at church, in your connect group, in the community, among the many internationals in Ames, or around the world.  What will be your first step in loving someone courageously?

Take some time to pray for one another’s first step!

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