Letters Study #10

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Zealous for Truth and Good Works

Sunday’s Teaching:  Life Coach Paul instructs his coworker Titus to challenge the Cretan believers to understand and live out the connection between the gospel and good works.

Let’s get STARTED warm up by discussing the following:

  • What do you get “fired-up” about? What topic or activity causes you to speak with passion and animation, or causes you to lose track of time?
  • Zeal, like a chain saw, must be pointed in the right direction. Share some examples of bad things that people are fired-up about (think of world or national news)  
  • Are you more likely to be zealous for truth or good works? Why do you think that is?    

Let’s Explore in the WORD

  • Even if you are not an elder or pastor, it is essential for you as a believer to know God’s Word. Read Acts 18:24.  Who has God used in your life as an Apollos—someone competent or “mighty” in the Scriptures, to encourage you to read and study it more?
  • Elders are to be able to “give instruction in sound doctrine” (Titus 1:9). What are some ways that all believers are called to be teachers?  How can you grow in that role?
  • Correcting doctrinal error (Titus 1:9,11,13) is not something that many of us have much experience in doing, nor are inclined to do. What are some of the reasons for this being a struggle, perhaps even for some elders?
  • Paul wrote in Ephesians 2:10 “we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.” What are one or two specific good works that you believe he has crafted you or your spouse for in advance?
  • What is the connection between our salvation/the gospel and our good works? Where in Titus (hint—look in chapters 2 and 3) do you see this connection?
  • What tends to motivate you more to be zealous for good works–Christ’s first appearing, or his promised second appearing (Titus 2:11-14)? Why?

Let’s Prioritize APPLICATION

  • If grace is like a personal trainer (Titus 2:12), what is one area that you would like to grow in to get in better spiritual shape? Overcoming laziness?  Inconsistency?  Inability to push through pain?  Protecting your workout time?  Only working out hard when someone is watching?  (Feel free to come up with your own workout metaphors!)
  • Do you currently serve in any of our International Care or Third Place ministries? If so, briefly share with the group what you do.  Also share with one another if there is another ministry (below) that you might want to learn more about someday, or help with.
    • International Friendship Partners (Sonya Peterson)
    • Coffee, Tea, and English (G.P. Foote, Ryan and Laura Jensen)
    • Conversational English Classes (Nancy Foote)
    • ACCESS–Assault Care Center Extending Shelter & Support (Debbie Johnson)
    • Ames Housewarming (Debbie Johnson)
    • ARC (Gayla Grayum)
    • Butterfly Freedom House (Peggy Best)
    • Dress for Success (Debbie Johnson)
    • Emergency Residence Project (Debbie Johnson)
    • Food at First (Debbie Johnson)
    • Foster families–Elaine Cox
    • Matthew 25 House (Kevin Geis)
    • More than a Backpack (Jill Scott)
    • Needle Crafting for Others—NC40 (Joan Traylor)
    • Obria (Eunice Bassler and Sharon Becker)
    • Overflow (Lily Compton and Jennifer Thompson)
    • Wings of Refuge (Rich Lepper, Kevin Kinzler)

Feel free to reach out to the contact person listed, or to Jill Scott (adultministries@ccames.org) or Kip Hamby (khamby@ccames.org) if you would like to know more!