More Than a Backpack Event

Jill Scott   -  





Read more to find out who won!

Kip Hamby and other volunteers from Christ Community served this past Saturday at the More Than a Backpack Event. 

Due to Covid-19, there was debate if the event should even take place.  Now, after the event, we’re really glad it did!

This past Saturday, August 8th, was our annual Hope in Christ Back to School Event.  Due to the effects of the pandemic, the HICBTS leadership team decided not have the event at Christ Community this year.  This meant no large group program, and no breakout teaching to parents, youth, or children.

However, all was not lost!

Friendship Baptist, home church of Pastor Robert Knight, played host to a drive-through version this year.  Despite numbers being down from the past, there was much to be thankful for:

  • The Ames Police Department partnered with us this year. They not only helped provide supplies, but they helped direct traffic and did a great job of connecting positively with the rest of the Backpack team and people in the community who drove through to get the supplies.  It was evident to me as I interacted with them and watched them in action that they are an exceptional group of servants!  This was all the more encouraging in light of a lot of negativity being aimed at police around our country.
  • It was a neat reminder of the beauty of unity.  Brothers and sisters from different churches and ethnicity enjoyed serving and praying shoulder-to-shoulder.  In fact, it may be the most racially diverse event that Christ Community regularly participates in. It was a personal blessing for me to reconnect with a former Upward girls basketball player and her mom, and discover that they are now plugged into a good church and serving others!
  • Finally, it was a blessing to see radical generosity on display towards our community. Both believers and unbelievers were blessed with approximately $100 worth of backpacks and supplies per child.  Nothing was asked of the recipients other than to show up and receive (and fill out a short survey).  There were some happy kids and parents!


You may not see this on the evening news, but take it to heart:  it takes more than a pandemic to keep God’s servants down!