Sexuality Conversation Kit

Moriah Cooper   -  

This conversation kit is a great resource for having conversations WITH your teens about sexuality and God’s design for sex and our sexuality. Each section covers something a little different but the intention is for you to have fruitful conversation around God’s design for sexuality, to shed a light on cultures view of sexuality, and learn together about how we as followers of Christ live within His design despite the brokenness around us.

Start Here! Sexuality CK Introduction

Each video portion comes with a conversation guide. Use these to prompt conversation with your teen:

Sexuality Video Guide 1

Sexuality Video Guide 2

Sexuality Video Guide 3

Sexuality Video Guide 4

Sexuality Worksheet

Sexuality Answers

If you want some background on LGBT+ before walking into this conversation with your teen, check out a parent guide to LGBT+.


Video 1:

Video 2:

Video 3:

Video 4: