Playing Your Part in God’s Story—Study Questions

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Sunday’s Teaching:  God has an incredible story that he is seeing to completion, and he has given each of us an important part to play as he brings redemption to a fallen world.  He has called us to go, to send, and some of us may still need to let his story become ours!

Let’s get STARTED—warm up by discussing the following:

  • What was one of your favorite books or stories as a child? Why was it special to you?
  • As an adult, who is one of your favorite movie/book protagonists and one of your most feared antagonists (good guys/bad guys; e.g.)?
  • What is the farthest you have traveled? What was the occasion for your long-distance travel:  business, pleasure, or missions?

Let’s explore in the WORD

  • Read Matthew 28:19-20 and Acts 1:8 According to these passages, where is it implied or expected that we should “go” as disciple-makers and witnesses?
  • In Acts 8:1-5, what does God do to help get the early church off dead-center (stuck in Jerusalem)? What does this communicate about God’s commitment to his Great Commission?
  • In 3 Jn 5-8 the apostle John addresses the church on “sending” out missionaries. What are some ways we as a church (or your Connect Group) can “send them [our partners] on their journey in a manner worthy of God?”  How can we send, sustain, and celebrate these partners well?
  • Who is the ultimate antagonist and protagonist in human history (at a cosmic level; see Ephesians 6:12)? In this cosmic battle, what single event in history changed the tide, so to speak, leading to victory for the protagonist?

Let’s prioritize APPLICATION

  • What are some things that you enjoy doing that you could do with unbelievers?
  • Have you been on a short-term mission trip? What were the benefits and challenges of you doing that?  If you haven’t been, what would you expect the benefits of such a trip to be?  What do you think would be challenging?
  • Spend a few moments praying for some of our global partners that have “gone out for the sake of the name” (3 Jn. 7).