Serve Thursday 3.2.23

Sylvia Nock   -  

Serve News…

Loving Ames means knowing Ames. Episode 1 of the Ames Heartbeat Podcast is out NOW. Click here to view and listen to the interview between Pastor Wayne and Dan Culhane, President and CEO of the Ames Chamber of Commerce.

Something to Think About…

At Christ Community, we understand the opportunities for worldwide missional involvement are endless and, therefore, sense God’s leading to strategically focus our resources in several areas of the world where we see great need, and have great opportunity.

Check out our 3 Focus Fields below and join us in praying for people living around the world. 

Three Sentences of Serve…

From Pastor Mike Woodruff (Friday Update email 021723) –

“As Christ-followers… we are not asked to walk a path between pessimism and utopianism. Nor may we fall for either one. Indeed, as Christians we are to be both more pessimistic than the pessimist and more utopian than the utopian – pessimistic because we recognize that our sin cannot be expunged by education, social reform or medical intervention. And utopian because we believe that the transformation of our human heart that is begun in this life will be completed in the next. The cross teaches us two things: We are so valuable that God sent his Son to die for us; and we are so broken that the Son of God had to die for us.”

Neither giving up.
Nor imagining our good deeds can win the day.
Serving’s third way is the cross.


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