Serve Thursday 5.25.23

Sylvia Nock   -  

Serve News…

We are hosting a Royal Family Kids Camp Summer 2024!! The process is still early on in the beginning phases but we are excited to be moving forward with this awesome opportunity!

Royal Family Kids Camp is a national organization providing week long experiences of positivity, fun, and connection for children in foster care, ages 6-12. If  you want to learn more about RFKC click HERE.

Be on the lookout for more information on how you can be involved and join us in prayer for these beginning months of planning/prep! 🙂

Something to Think About…

We send out a calendar monthly with prayer prompts every day from our global partners directly to your email. Want to join us? Keep scrolling on this page until you find the “Contact the Serve Team Here” – we’d love to get you set up!

Three Sentences of Serve…

1 Sam 2:8b-9

“… the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world. He will guard the feet of his faithful servants… ”

Serve confidently.
Step faithfully.
The God holding everything together levels your path.

Contact the Serve Team Here