Three Pillars

Kyle Bartholic   -  

 Don’t Miss it! Invite your friends, and sign up for 100k Meals on April 14th –


We also need some hands to help set up on Saturday afternoon.



In the book of Acts, we see God’s people respond to the needs of those around them even when it didn’t benefit them to do so. The very first time that we run into this phenomenon is in Acts 2:45, “And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.” Why would God’s new people (Christians) so freely give their time, talents, and treasure to care for others? Because of what Jesus gave them so that they could be made whole with their Father in heaven. They had experienced such an overwhelming expression of love through Jesus that they responded by loving others in return. In other words, because God was first generous to them through Jesus, they then were generous to each other.

In a series on Acts[1], we talked about this very idea and said that Christian love has three pillars, compassion, mercy, and justice.



We experience all three of these in the redeeming work of Jesus. They should be present when we love others out of the overflow of Jesus’ love for us. Coming up on April 14th, we have a great opportunity to love others generously and practically. If you have not signed up yet, please sign up for the 100K Meals event. This is a chance for us as a body to give of our time, talents, and treasure to care for and love children and families in Haiti with the support of our global partners at UCI.


This year, our goal is to package 158,000 meals. Why? First, because of the significant need our partners at UCI are facing. Secondly, because it also marks a milestone of 1 million meals packaged over the years, we’ve been doing this as a body. So, on April 14th, we will not have normal worship services. Instead, we will have three shifts (8:30, 9:30, 10:30) to package meals. Please click the link and sign up below for one of those shifts. And, we would love for you to invite your friends, family members, and neighbors to join us for this opportunity! Just like believers in the book of Acts, let’s be generous because God was first generous to us!


Help us reach 1 Million Meals! Sign up here for the 100k Meals Opportunity:


