Revelation #21 – Study Questions

Kyle Bartholic   -  

Revelation CGS – Week 21

Heavenly Worship

Revelation 19:1-10




Much of the heavenly visions of John are portrayals of the authority of the Lamb. It is like looking at a diamond from different angles. John continues to repeatedly show how Jesus has the power and ability to overcome evil. This matter greatly to the Christian. Why? Because if Jesus doesn’t have the authority and might to overcome evil, then he doesn’t have the authority and might to deliver on his offer and promise of salvation.  We first see this authority demonstrated in his resurrection (Easter), then we experience this power in our transformed lives, and we are reminded of his authority over all of history and the cosmos here in this passage (and the larger section). And, as much as the visions and images that John gives us are intimidating and quite overwhelming, they are not without the reflections of God’s mercy. In the previous sections, there are pauses for warnings (8:13 & 9:12). Here in this section, we see God’s mercy in his sending of messengers (v.3). Even in these dire times, God does not leave humanity without a witness. Yes, he is a God of judgment, but he is not like the fickle and vindictive gods of the Roman world. Yahweh’s judgment is always paralleled with his mercy. As we make our way into chapter 19, it is this authority of the Lamb that has held the woman of Babylon accountable and head justice over her that is now the object of heavenly praise. Revelation has reminded us over and over again that there is only one God who reigns supreme. There is only one God who has the power to right what was wrong and restore what was broken. And because of that, there is only one God who deserves to be worshipped. Revelation also teaches us about true and genuine worship. That is, worship is something that is done with our whole lives. It is what we heard in chapters 2-3 when Jesus encouraged the churches to remain faithful by conquering the influences that tempted them to compromise their faith and witness. Their faithfulness and obedience weren’t merely an adherence to a moral code that would somehow earn them God’s love and favor. It was an act of resistance against this age and an act of true and genuine worship because it praised God for whom he was. Chapter 19 repeats these themes and teaches us that faithful people worship God with their lives.  



GETTING STARTED – As you begin your group time, share a definition of worship. What is it? When do you know you are worshipping? Or, what was an experience of worship that was transformative, and how?


IN THE WORD –   Let’s dig back into the passage. It is important to strengthen our muscles in reading God’s Word. On Sunday, we walked through the passage in the sermon. Hopefully, that helped you to see the landmarks of the passage with fresh eyes. Now, with your group, go back through it and see what God is saying to you specifically.

First, before you read the passage, take a moment to ask God’s Spirit to quiet your mind and heart and to illuminate the text to you. Second, read the passage aloud to the group. Then, follow the simple method below. (O.P.A)



Observe: Make 8-10 observations from the passage. Pay close attention to observe and note repeated words and phrases, names, places, and themes.



Principles: From your list of observations, what patterns or big ideas do you see emerging? Can you distill it down into 2-4 big idea truths?




Apply: Moving from your list of principles, it is time to apply God’s Word. Remember, we believe that God’s Word is living and active and that it can change the way we live Monday- Friday. What is one tangible way to apply a truth from your list above?




Note: Revelation can be a tough book. Here are some questions that might help with discussion. [1]

  1. If you had to pick a main idea from this section (19:1-10), what would it be? What verse influences your answer?
  2. Do you see your life as an offering of worship? If so, how? If not, why?
  3. Throughout Revelation, Jesus keeps reminding us of the stark difference between life in his kingdom and life in Babylon (this age / world). In what ways are your aspirations in life shaped by Babylon’s vision of what the good life is?
  4. In many ways, this passage prompts us back to being people engaged in right worship. Right worship rids itself of any idols. Is there anything in your life that could be considered an idol? Something that is a substitute for Jesus in your life. Consider the following idolatry inventory and ask the Lord to reveal any idols in your life.


What is an idol? – An idol is something that we look to for things that only God can give.[2]


Idolatry inventory – Read the statements in the left-hand column. Ask the Lord if that is true about you. If so, don’t be discouraged but rejoice that the Lord is clarifying for you an opportunity for growth.



Life only has meaning/I only have worth if:                                                          Corresponding Idol


I have power/influence over others 


Idol of Power

I have pleasure/experience, a certain  quality of


Idol of Comfort
I can have control over my life in the area of ___Idol of Control
People are dependent on me and need meIdol of Being Needed
Someone is there to protect/provide for meIdol of Dependence 
I am highly productive/getting things doneIdol of Work
I am being recognized for my accomplishmentsIdol of Achievement
I have a certain level of wealth/nice possessionsIdol of Materialism
I am adhering to my religion’s moral codesIdol of Religion
My race/culture is superior than othersIdol of Race/Culture
I only associate with a particular group & no one elseIdol of Separatism
Mr. or Mrs. Right is in love with meIdol of Relationship
My political or social cause is better than othersIdol of Ideology
I have a particular kind of look/body imageIdol of Image 



How to confront your Idols

  1. Name your idol(s) out loud
  2. Confess your heart’s dependence on your idol(s) to God and someone else.
  3. Repent, or turn away from the idol(s) in your life
  4. Rejoice, or take joy in knowing Jesus is Lord of your life
  5. Replace your idol(s) with a renewed passion for the gospel of Jesus Christ.







[1] Some questions are from: Chester, Tim. Revelation For You: Seeing history from heaven’s perspective. The Good Book Company. Kindle Edition.

[2] Timothy Keller, Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power, and the Only Hope That Matters (New York: Riverhead Books, 2011), 131.