Stewardship Update—Fall 2020

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Since March of 2020, though challenged by health and safety concerns, the Spirit of God has led us to continue engaging in “connecting people to life-defining relationships in Christ”. Though altered, most of our ministry plans have been executed with good success this fall.

Here, there is both ENCOURAGING as well as SERIOUS news.

On the encouraging side, some early 2020 giving, combined with wise budget management and the PPP economic stimulus provision, has kept Christ Community Church financially stable. We’ve even heard from some saying, “During this time, we’ve decided to increase our giving!”  What a true blessing!

On the serious side, the number of people giving to our ministry’s month-by-month budget has dropped over 25%, as 145 people (individuals or couples) have stopped giving regularly since COVID struck. The financial impact? We are receiving about $48,000 less per month. This is understandable, but sobering nonetheless.

Over the years, we have consistently heard, “Let us know our financial situation!”  As you are able, we thank you for your faithful regular giving, helping Christ Community to remain strong and vibrant. As we anticipate a new era of leadership ahead, the future is very bright in connecting more people to Jesus.

We encourage our church family to make it a priority to support our overall mission by giving to the Annual Budget. The Sunday offering and all undesignated contributions go towards supporting all the ministries of this Body. Beyond the Annual Budget, we have additional opportunities called the Caring Fund and Unleashed 3:20. You can learn more about each fund and choose an online giving option on our giving page.