Women’s Connect August Devotional
Ladies, pause. Take a breath, slow down, and sit with Jesus for a moment. Enjoy some beautiful insight from Abbey Sindt in this month’s devotional. How do you see Jesus or the Gospel displayed in creation? What insights has the Holy Spirit given you?
Our upcoming Walk/Run with Soul to Sole will be a great opportunity to experience Jesus in creation so come out and join us! Sign up hereĀ today!
Rachel Greene
Refining fire. I don’t know your story, but I have been around the church for my entire life and have heard this concept many times. Coal being refined into diamonds, fire refining gold or silver, etc. We see it in 1 Peter 1:7 where our faith is refined. We see it in Malachi 3:3 where Israel was being purified for righteousness. God takes what we have and can use affliction to meld it into something entirely more beautiful for His glory.
Refining fire is a heavy and painful concept. It is important and deeply relevant to our suffering world. I have lived it. Some of us currently live in this space, where the fire is burning so hot we cannot see the refining. Some of us have experienced relief from the fire and are enjoying the fruits of the refining. Perhaps you will face this kind of intense fire in the future (John 16:33) for it’s likely we’ll all be in it again on this side of heaven.