

Note: On Sunday, December 25th, we will not have gathered services at the building. Instead, we will have a special online service that can be shared and enjoyed with your family and friends. Check out this short video invite for that opportunity:



“What does Noel even mean, mom?” my son asked. The song has been on his lips since the Perfect Gift. Much like his father, he often breaks out in song! (It’s cute even if it’s off key.)
I honestly had to look it up. (If you’re also wondering, it means “to be born.”)

After some 25 years of being a Christian, there are still some words and phrases in our faith that I accept without quite understanding their depth. Another one of those at Christmastime is Emmanuel, or God with us. We hear it all the time in songs and sermons, but what does it matter that God is with us? Quite a lot, actually.

“God with us” means we’re never alone. It means we have the Creator of the universe to walk with us when we are struggling. It means nothing is impossible. It means wisdom in confusion. Hope in desperation. Peace in our anxiety.

It is the gift the Angel Gabriel brings to Mary,

“Gabriel appeared to her and said, ‘Greetings favored woman! The Lord is with you!” (Luke 1:28)

The Lord is with you. I can hardly think of a better gift to give to someone who will faithfully carry the Son of God in her body, nourish him, protect him, raise him, release him into ministry, watch him die horrifically, yet be raised to life again. What a rollercoaster ride! Like most first-time parents, she couldn’t have known what was to come, but her response was beautiful:

“I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you said about me come true.” (Luke 1:38)

She walked faithfully in quiet service to her Lord, knowing just one thing, that He was with her. Emmanuel. May we walk with our Lord in the same humility, trusting him for our days, knowing He is with us. And as we think about our neighbors, how might we bring the same gift to them this Christmas and all year round, that they might know God is with them too?