Detours Require Perspective My family loves a good road trip. We don’t mind loading up in the car and driving two or three hours just to get some really good ice...
Acts #29 – Study Questions An Unplanned Detour Acts 28:1-10 INTRODUCTION: Detours are a mild inconvenience when they simply delay our arrival by a few minutes or...
The Dilemma of Freedom How do I know that I am making choices that are in God’s will? If I make the wrong choice, will God punish me? Is the only way for God to...
Study Questions: Acts #28 Shipwrecked on the way to Rome. Acts 27:1-44 INTRODUCTION: We are in another long section of the narrative that describes the first half...
This Little Light of Mine When I meet a new person in public or a new neighbor, the most uncomfortable question that I get asked is, “What do you do?” This is a...
Study Questions – Acts #27 An Honest Answer Acts 23:31 – 26:32 INTRODUCTION: This is a long passage, and honestly, your group may not be able to work all the way...
The Good Life The good life. Living the dream. Easy like Sunday morning. A day in the sun. Each of these phrases expresses the same core idea; our...
Acts #26 – Study Questions Nothing to Hide Acts 21:17-23:30 INTRODUCTION: Paul has made it to Jerusalem. And, just as it was revealed to him and to the other...
The secret to knowing God’s will… Abide. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, they did so in an environment that was publicly saturated with prayer. That is,...