Experiencing His Presence – Study #1

Christ Community Church   -  

Sunday’s Teaching:  We learned much about our God.  He is Triune (1 God, 3 Persons), relational, creatively powerful, personal.  When He created, He did so with the purpose of fostering life-giving RELATIONSHIPS – a relationship with Him (vertically) and relationships with one another (horizontally).  It is remarkable that God Himself owns a passion for a close, daily, growing relationship with each one of us.
Let’s get STARTED
warm up by discussing the following questions:

Reflect a moment on the most important relationships in your life currently. Who do you treasure?  And what do you treasure about these relationships?  As you share, identify common themes.
Studies demonstrate that healthy personal relationships contribute the following: longer life, relief from stress, greater physical health, a general sense that life is rich.  Is this your experience?
What do you value most about your relationship with God?

Let’s Explore in the WORD
            This week’s devotionals (Day 1 through Day 7) focus on discovery in Genesis 1,2,3, especially on the provision and guidance God’s daily presence can provide, as well as readiness and protection when tempted by our spiritual enemy.  We focus on two passages to observe and discuss.
1st – A Personal God who asks for Obedience                   READ Genesis 2:7, 15-18 

Verse 7. Here is God’s own description of how He made Adam and brought him to life.  Imagine the scene of vs. 7 in your mind’s eye.  Share with others by “describing” the detail of what you are seeing.  How does what you are seeing speak of a personal God?
15-18 Why do you make of God giving Adam a command to obey?  Why do you think God did this?  What’s the purpose?  In our relationship with God, why is obeying Him important?

2nd – A Crafty Enemy who urges Disobeying                     READ Genesis 3:1-6

How would you describe what Satan (thru the serpent) did to generate doubt?
Does he do this today? Can you cite some examples you’ve encountered, or are aware of?
Do you think Satan is aware that our doubt and disobedience destroys closeness to God?

What significant insight from this exploration has landed with you?  Share it!
Let’s Prioritize APPLICATION
            Psalm 139 brings the wonder of Genesis 2 to each of us personally.  David, reflecting for all of us, rehearses just how much God decides to actively know and explore about each one of us. 

READ this Psalm together aloud as a group (around the circle each taking a verse)
NOTE vss. 23-24. Would you describe this as a prayer to stay in an obedient posture with God?  What does it ask God to do, and reveal to us, that we might stay both close and obedient.

NOTE from Pastor David Staff:  “Thank you for doing this study together, and for allowing God to ‘make your day’ as you make your way through the first 7 devotionals in EXPERIENCE HIS PRESENCE.  The Lord Himself wants to draw close to you each day.”