Storm Strong Families – Study #10
Storm Strong Families Need the Church
As we wrap up this series, what big picture highlights would you like to share with your group?
Did this series live up to your expectations? Why or why not?
Read the two main theme passages for this series (Psalm 127:1 and Matthew 7:24-28). How do you connect with those passages?
How does the Gospel unite us into the family of God? In what ways does that give you encouragement?
What can we do as a church to better connect with people on a Sunday morning?
John Piper said, “You are vitally needed by the church, and the church is vitally needed by you.” Is there room for you to grow in your role at church? How can the church assist you in your ministry at your place of work or home?
If our goal as saints is to continue maturing in Christ, how do you fight the temptation of complacency and non-growth? What more can this connect group do for you to encourage your growth?
Of the three relationships to seek (Leader, Brother/Sister, Child) which is the hardest for you to find? Re-read 2 Timothy 2:2. How can you foster a more generational approach to ministry? Are you seeking to lead others, or even be led? If you are an older (and wiser) member of our congregation the challenge is to reach out to younger people and befriend/mentor/lead them with your wisdom and life experience.
Where do you feel called to focus your impact? First place (self/family)? Second place (church)? Third place (community/work)? Fourth place (world)?