Covid Line Evangelism

Jill Scott   -  


As I neared the Test Iowa Covid testing tent (photo above), I had a real sense of anticipation.  I wasn’t so much looking forward to having a long stick pushed up my nose, as I’ve always been a poor masochist.  But what the Spirit of God whispered into my ear was “make the most of the opportunity, whatever that may be.”  A moment later, a medical worker, fully robed and masked, pulled her medical station on wheels next to my front door.  She went through her preliminary introduction, and then I looked her in the eye, smiled, and simply said, “I really appreciate the work that you’re doing in these difficult days.”  She received my words warmly, and then preceded to push a stick up my nose.

Paul exhorted the Colossian believers, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time.  Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” (4:5-6; also see Eph. 5:15-16).  This is evangelism at its finest!  Being opportunistic, prepared and spontaneous, ready for adventure!  At any time, in any place, we can live out prayer, care, and share so that men and women, boys and girls, can come one step closer to the Kingdom. 

Do I wish I could have said more to this Covid worker?  Yes.  But it’s not unusual for me to leave an evangelistic effort and second-guess my efforts.  But that’s okay—with every attempt I’m better learning how to love, listen, and live and laugh with my neighbors.  And to share what the Spirit leads me to share in any given opportunity, whether that’s nothing at all or an invitation to respond to the gospel.

I have by no means fully arrived as a fisher of men, as David described a few Sundays ago.  But I do deeply desire to grab the nets with you and make this a fruitful team effort.  How about if we together purpose afresh to live up to this exciting high calling?  To catch some serious fish with the Lord’s help, versus growing bored and listless on the shore.

(And in case you were wondering, I did not test positive.  But I might just go back to talk further with my new friend……..)

Living adventurously,



Two final notes:  There will be no “Serve Thursday” submission next week due to it being Thanksgiving.  May our heavenly Father give us all the grace and intentionality we need to enjoy a day of overflowing gratitude and witness, even if it looks a little different this year!  And finally, don’t forget that November 29 is Reach Sunday—whether in-person or online, you will not want to miss a great lineup:  Ashenafi Beyi (an on-fire Jesus follower from Ethiopia), Peggy Best, Jeff South, and others!