Let’s Talk About Sex and Sexuality

Moriah Cooper   -  

“Let’s talk about sex and sexuality”- What an intimidating conversation starter! Usually the hardest conversations are the one where we don’t know what to say. As your students are growing physically and spiritually in a world that feeds them ultimately hopeless messages about sex, the question may be “does God have anything good to say about sex?!”. YES! He does. And the conversation guides here are resources to offer cultural AND biblical insight, questions to start discussions with your student or even yourself, and lots more opportunities to dig deeper.

Parent’s Guide to Teen Dating: How do we encourage the teens in our lives as they begin to wonder how and when dating should begin and what that even looks like? Culture shapes so much of a teens perspective on dating. Help them form a biblical view of what God designs us for.

Parent’s Guide to Teen Singleness: Helping students understand God’s design for their life and how it includes singleness for seasons (or longer) can be encouraging and reassuring as they walk in a world that is really excited about relationships.

Parent’s Guide to Pornography (General, Boys, Girls): Porn has become a part of culture in many ways. Having conversations about what you are seeing in music, movies, and social media can help students understand the effects of porn of their hearts and minds.

Parent’s Guide to Sexting: As much as we hope and pray your student has not been exposed to sexting, it is a real and present danger for teens. Having conversations about it now can be a helpful way to encourage conversation in the future or as they encounter it at school or with friends.

Parent’s Guide to Masturbation: What does the Bible say? How do we talk about this? Some helpful direction and biblical context for a possibly awkward conversation that your student may not be glad to have in the moment but will hopefully be glad to have in the end.

Parent’s Guide to The Sex Talk: God has a WONDERFUL design for sex that He intended for us from creation. Having conversations early and often create comfortability with discussion of something that is built into us as humans but can be skewed by brokenness and sin.

Parent’s Guide to Modesty: This helpful guide gives context for why modesty is a way of life for both women AND men and encourages good conversation about ways we reflect Christ through humility.

Parent’s Guide to Purity: Purity is a buzz-word in Christian culture. But what are teens hearing when we say it?

Parent’s Guide to Sexual Assault:A hard conversation but one worth having as teens most likely know someone who has dealt with this on some level. God’s heart is to heal the brokenhearted even as we live in a world that increasingly finds ways to express it’s brokenness.

Parent’s Guide to LGBTand Your Teen: A helpful guide to what your student is hearing, how they have seen others respond, and the ways it affects their peers around them. This is becoming an increasingly necessary conversation to have with gentleness and love.

Parent’s Guide to Difficult Conversations: This guide is a broader exploration of how to engage in TOUGH topics with your teen (we figured sex and sexuality was one of them).

If you are looking for longer conversation kits to walk through WITH your student, check out some of our other blog posts for conversation kits on Identity, Sexuality, Gender, Dating, Relationships, and Pornography.

Praying for and with you.