Reach Sunday Study Question (7/18/21)

Kyle Bartholic   -  


Sunday’s Teaching: Commitment to the Great Commission involves different types of timing. Some situations call for immediate obedience, others require long-term faithfulness.


Let’s get STARTED – warm up by discussing the following:

  • What are your favorite Summer Olympic sports, and why?
  • What theme park ride was scariest for you as a kid (or adult)? What did it feel like to conquer your fear of it?


Let’s Explore in the WORD

  • Read aloud Col. 4:5-6: “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (NIV)
  • To be wise in the way we act toward outsiders, we need to have an eternal perspective. How can a biblical belief in heaven and hell effect our evangelism?
  • Making the most of every opportunity comes easier for us when we “redefine reality,” i.e., see our lives through the lens of the Great Commission, and listen to God’s Spirit. Share a story when God surprised you with an opportunity to share the good news (think of Kip’s example of sharing with Xavier during his three-hour flat tire ordeal, or the story of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8).
  • Being opportunistic in sharing about Jesus can be as simple as doing what you love to do, with others! What is something that you enjoy doing that you can do with people who don’t know Christ yet?
  • Kip talked about three practices for gracious, well-seasoned conversations with not-yet-believers: ask good questions about them, affirm them, and prayerfully go as far as you can spiritually with the conversation as the Holy Spirit leads. What are some good questions you can ask people to get a good conversation rolling?
  • Doug and Stephanie Lewis talked about the slower timing of Great Commission work. What did they share that can help you be more patient with God’s timing as he works on the mission field, or in your friend’s lives?
  • What else challenged or encouraged you from what Doug and Stephanie shared?


Let’s Prioritize APPLICATION

  • Kip encouraged us to “defy all excuses” for not being bold and urgent in sharing our faith. Which excuse do you tend to use the most for not being more engaged in God’s mission?
  • Accountability is helpful if we would run this race well. Ask someone to pray for you to help you overcome this excuse.

P.S. If you haven’t signed up to receive our monthly Missions prayer calendar to pray for partners like the Lewis’, simply reach out to Sylvia Brown, our new Serve Admin, at Thanks!