For the Worship of God Growing up, we had a local restaurant called Eatn’ Park. It is a western Pennsylvania staple. And if you ever go, you need to get the...
Spiritual Friendship What is the work of the gospel in our lives? We can answer that question in two ways. First, vertically speaking, the work of the gospel is...
Study Questions: Proverbs #10 Keeping & Being Wise Company Proverbs 13:20 & 27:17 (CGS#10) INTRODUCTION: Through our study of the book of Proverbs, we have come...
Detours My family loves a good road trip. We don’t mind loading up in the car and driving two or three hours just to get some really good ice...
Study Questions: Proverbs Week #9 Humility & Generosity Proverbs 11:1-31 (CGS#9) INTRODUCTION: The book’s opening section (chapters 1–9) has helped us understand...
The Dilemma of Freedom How do I know that I am making choices that are in God’s will? If I make the wrong choice, will God punish me? Will God only approve of...
Study Questions – Proverbs Week #8 Wisdom v Folly Proverbs 9:1-18 (CGS#8) INTRODUCTION: Proverbs chapter 9 is the conclusion of the opening section of the book. The first...
Wisdom and Culture Our world often equates wisdom with personal achievement, wealth, and influence. Proverbs offers a different vision for life as it sees...
Study Questions – Proverbs #7 Wisdom for All Ages Proverbs 8:1-36 (CGS#7) INTRODUCTION: What kind of life do you want to live? What kind of life do you want those...