Reach Sunday 3.10.24 – Study Questions
Reach Sunday (3.10.24)
Matt. 28:18-20
INTRODUCTION: Reach Sunday is a time for us to focus as a body on the outward call for us as a church and as individual Christians, that is, the call of the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20). As a church, we believe in the importance of that call and the responsibility of believers to engage it as Jesus commanded. That means that we look for opportunities to share the gospel in the everyday places that we go and to join in gospel-advancing work to the ends of the earth. We join in that “ends of the earth” work by praying for, financially supporting, and serving alongside global partners for short periods of time. We also join God in his Great Commission Calling on our lives when we love the sojourner in our own neighborhoods and communities. This week, we heard from Todd and Tamara Rasmuson on what it looks like to live a Great Commission life.
GETTING STARTED – As you get started in your group time, share about a time that someone went out of their way to love you. How did they do that? And how did it impact you?
Some questions to help with discussion:
- What is something that stood out to you from the service on Sunday morning?
- Why is loving in word and deed important? What happens when you love with only deed or only in word?
- When and where was the first time you heard the gospel? What was your reaction? What happened in your life that led up to your acceptance of the gospel?
- If you had to tell your testimony, could you? Try this format to help you:
- When and how did you realize your need for a savior?
- Who were the influential people in your spiritual journey, and what did they do?
- What has changed in your life since following Jesus?
- Take some time to list out and discuss the resources (time, talents, and treasure) that you have and how they can be used to love others in word and deed.