Pray with us?

Kyle Bartholic   -  

Over the next week, we have a small team heading to Central Asia to visit, encourage, and invest in a few of our global partners. Why is this kind of opportunity important for us to engage?


First, it fits in our mission as a church to connect people into life-defining relationships in Christ. How? Well, we believe that Jesus’ words in the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) make it clear that we are to carry the good news of the gospel into the places that are both near and far. That means we desire to connect people into life-defining relationships in Christ in Ames, Story County, Iowa, the US, and to the very ends of the earth.


Second, we believe that actual engagement in Christ’s mission for each disciple is a mandate and a tool for continued growth. Therefore, we encourage both local and global service when possible as well as financial giving toward those needs. Involvement in local missional engagement invites us to help carry the burdens of our community and share the hope of the gospel in concrete ways. We also desire to be disciples that follow Christ’s command to “GO” into all the world by providing short term opportunities to serve abroad as well. Our desire is to teach and train disciples in missional values that can equip them to engage God’s mission in the world for a lifetime. We seek to deepen these missional values by: providing experiences through serving opportunities, encouraging each disciple toward developing meaningful relationships with partners, and urging people to give of their time, talents, and treasure.


As our team heads out to connect with, encourage, and invest in our partners, would you join us in prayer?


Let’s be praying for –

  1. Timely and needed words of encouragement for our partners.
  2. Engagement in mission and clarity of the gospel.
  3. Wisdom as we look to what the Lord is doing now and where he is leading in the future.
  4. Safety and stamina for the travel.