Storm Strong Families – Study #9

Christ Community Church   -  

Storm Strong Families – Clearing the Fog
Keeping God’s values centered in my life is hard work. Before you look in God’s Word, pray through each question below as a group.

What do I need to praise God for today?
What do I need to confess to God today?
What do I need to hear from God on today?
What do I need to submit to God today?
What do I need to thank God for today?

We looked at 3 pictures of what God values for us as individuals and families. Work through the stories again, and note what you observe about God’s values and the results of not following those values.
Abraham & Sarah: Genesis 12, 16, & 20
Jacob & Esau: Genesis 27
Joseph: Genesis 37
Apply: What are the values of your family or for you personally? What realignment needs done to come in alignment with God’s values? What steps need to be taken to make that a reality?
MY LIFE – Where are the most natural avenues for me to share about a God who creates & restores? Who are in those places? Consider: Home, work, & play (gym, community activities, sports leagues, reading groups, clubs, etc.)
YOUR FAMILY – At a dinner table this week, review the 6 LIFE QUESTIONS. Explore with your family members their understanding of what each question means. Which question(s) resonate best with you…and your kids? Do you think it might help to discuss these together as a family each week?
OUR MISSION – Our LIFE QUESTIONS help us assess if our every-day walk with God is engaging in our church’s mission. The more regular our meeting with God, the more we ask for the Spirit’s flowing presence, the more we share our tough stuff with spiritual accountability partners, the more we “put out the welcome mat” to people not yet in God’s family…well, the more the Lord connects people to life-defining relationships in Christ. Right?   Let’s lean into our Father’s provisions, and these great questions, together!!