Waiting for What Will Be Have you ever been in a situation or a circumstance that you knew was only part of what it could be or eventually would be? Construction is...
Revelation #12 – Study Questions Revelation CGS – Week 12 The opening of the seals. Revelation 6:1-17 INTRODUCTION: As we survey the picture revealed by the...
Seeing Jesus Clearly Up until my 7th-grade year, my brother and I had attended larger public schools, and then we had a short stint of homeschooling, which was...
Study Questions – Revelation #11 Revelation CGS – Week 11 The Lamb who is worthy. Revelation 5:1-14 INTRODUCTION: Chapter 4 recorded a vision of God the Creator....
New Creations When we think and talk about the nature of salvation in the Christian faith, we often think of and refer to heaven. And, to be sure, heaven...
Revelation #10 Revelation CGS – Week 10 A vision of the Throne – The One who is worthy. Revelation 4:1-11 INTRODUCTION: This week in our...
The Pace of Discipleship In 1 John, we hear John tell us that our behavior matters. Why? Because what we believe in our hearts should correspond to how we live....
Revelation #9 – Study Questions Revelation CGS – Week 9 A message to Laodicea – Discipline is loving. Revelation 3:14-22 INTRODUCTION: This week, we wrap up...
Eternally Changed People Last Sunday, we celebrated the resurrection. In our time in Luke’s account, we talked about the validity of the resurrection and the fact...