Reach Sunday – Study Questions (3.12.23) Loving in word and deed. Acts 4:20 & Rom. 10:15 INTRODUCTION: Reach Sunday is a time for us to focus as a body on the outward...
A Global Body Have you ever climbed to the top of something just to see what you could see? At the top, you probably realized that there was so much more...
The Dilemma of Freedom How do I know that I am making choices that are in God’s will? If I make the wrong choice, will God punish me? Is the only way for God...
Study Questions – Revelation #5 Revelation CGS – Week 5 A message to Pergamum – Root out sin. Revelation 2:12-17 INTRODUCTION: Pergamum was a significant...
Distinctives. 20 And when they had brought them to the magistrates, they said, “These men are Jews, and they are disturbing our city. 21 They...
Revelation #4 – Study Questions Revelation CGS – Week 4 A letter to Smyrna – Stay Focused Revelation 2:8-11 INTRODUCTION: This week, we continue...
Everything By the time Jesus walked on the earth, the original ten commandments had been expanded to at least 613, and some scholars claim that it was...
Revelation #3 – Study Questions Revelation CGS – Week 3 A letter to the Ephesian Church – Staying Known Revelation 2:1-7 INTRODUCTION: After the...
Freedom in Christ Do you remember the feeling of freedom at the moment you accepted Jesus as your savior? At that moment, you were ushered in from spiritual...