Truth and Love The Bible routinely offers us paradoxes. That is, it gives us two things that seemingly don’t fit together and tells us that in the...
Study Questions: Ephesians #9 The New Self Ephesians 4:17-24 (CGS#9) INTRODUCTION: If we haven’t caught it yet in Paul’s writing, he is going to state it plainly...
Towards Maturity “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Do you remember when you were in kindergarten or first grade what your answer...
Study Questions: Ephesians #8 Gifts to Serve Ephesians 4:7-16 (CGS#8) INTRODUCTION: Paul keeps driving his main point home. What we were is no longer because we are...
Victory In Christ The Apostle John was writing to a group of believers who were going through a significant hardship. They were facing a church split over...
Study Questions: Ephesians #7 A Christlike Posture Ephesians 4:1-7 (CGS#7) INTRODUCTION: This week, we will turn into chapter four of Ephesians. We will find that Paul...
More Than Able Note: Our Caring Fund helps to meet the needs of neighbors in Ames and Gilbert who are facing housing instability or difficulty paying...
Study Questions: Ephesians #6 By God’s Strength Ephesians 3:14-21 (CGS#6) INTRODUCTION: We can all agree that the Christian life is not an easy thing to live. Just...
Why We Gather Heads Up! This Sunday (9/8/24), we have a unique opportunity to gather as ONE large group! We hope you will join us for our All Church...