Study Questions: Ephesians #5 On a Mission Ephesians 3:1-13 (CGS#5) INTRODUCTION: As we begin chapter three of Ephesians, we are going to hear a little more about...
Restored One of the central themes of Ephesians is unity. This unity is not exclusive to God and man but also extends to unity within the Body of...
Good to Great When I was a kid, my grandmother would take my brother and me out to eat at all of the places my parents didn’t. She was a good grandma!...
Ephesians #4 – Study Questions God’s Work in Us – Pt. 2 Ephesians 2:11-22 (CGS#4) INTRODUCTION: As we have been walking through Ephesians, we have heard all about...
Our Reward What is the reward for the Christian? This may sound like an odd question, or at least an odd way to phrase it. But there is a very...
Ephesians #3 – Study Questions God’s Work in Us Ephesians 2:1:10 (CGS#3) INTRODUCTION: As we move into chapter two of Ephesians, we will watch and hear Paul continue...
The Nature of Prayer What is prayer? A simple question, right? In some ways, yes, and in others, not really. Prayer is one of those things that...
Ephesians #2 – Study Questions Posture & Prayer Ephesians 1:15-22 (CGS#2) INTRODUCTION: Paul opened his letter to the Ephesian church in a typical fashion for that...
The Complexity of Ephesus Recently, while driving through Des Moines, we saw a group of men standing on a street corner, dressed in purple and gold clothing, holding...