Next: First Things First Study #4

David Staff   -  

ENDURE in the Gospel

2 Timothy 3:1-17

INTRODUCTION:  This week’s teaching heard Paul reminding him of the “age” in which he is living and ministering.  A world full of people who spiritually rebel, abandon, dishonor, forsake, and deceive.  BY CONTRAST (Paul’s “but you” 3:1,10,14), a clear calls rests on Timothy’s life (and all who desire to be godly) to pursue and continue in the truth God-breathed to us be the Lord Himself.

KEY IDEA – 2 TimothyThe dynamics of disciplemaking 1:1–7Courage with the Gospel 1:8–18Focus with the Gospel 2:1–26Endure in the Gospel 3:1–17
When God entrusts us with the treasure of truth, He calls on us to invest that truth in others (make disciples) in light of the coming Day!
  1. sharing the Life of Jesus
  2. committed prayer
  3. treasured relationship
  4. affirmed faith
  5. encouraged
  1. public identification with the gospel
  2. staying healthy in the gospel
  3. refreshing servants of the gospel
  1. a focus in difficulty
  2. a focus in controversy
  3. a focus in diversions
  1. do we well understand our times?
  2. are we following Godly models?
  3. shall we be men/women of God?

GETTING STARTED –  begin by discussing these 3 questions:

  • Do you think we are “in” what Paul describes as “the last days”?
  • Is the description of 2 Timothy 3:1-9 overly negative? Why or why not?
  • Living in these times, in what ways do you find it most challenging to “be different” from the prevailing way of thinking and living?

IN THE WORD Paul’s call to Timothy to continue following a different model (cf. 2 Timothy 3:10-11) is certainly a thought-provoking challenge.  Take a moment with each of the following phrases and describe what you think Paul meant by each.   What was Paul’s…









Paul urged the Corinthians, “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ” (1 Cor 11:1) – which aspect of Paul’s life (& Christ’s) do you seek to “imitate”?   SHARE something of your life with your group.

Paul draws a contrast between “evil people and impostors going on from bad to worse” (2 Tim 3:13) and “all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus” (3:12).    Yet the latter “will be persecuted”.  Has any “persecution” shown up in your life over the months and years of your walk with Jesus?   SHARE something of your life with the group.

Finally, Paul urges Timothy “to continue” (same word Jesus uses in John 15 saying we must “abide” in Him) in the Word (2 Tim 3:14-17).  What is promised in this section?  How does it strengthen our confidence in the power of the Word?

EVAL, DISCUSS AND APPLY – this teaching series is calling us to be making disciples of one another, even as Paul discipled Timothy.  How are you hearing God speak to you in this?  What difference is it making?  Really!