Hope on the Horizon A Good Expectation Ahead Yes, I know. It depends on to whom you are listening. Weary are we being toggled back-n-forth between dueling...
Letters Study #7 1 Thessalonians: Protecting Faith, Pursuing Holiness, Looking Up Young Christians can be vulnerable. The joy of understanding God’s love...
To Mask or Not to Mask: Is that really the question? Schools, restaurants and businesses, churches—all are asking questions. Shall we require wearing a mask when in our building with others?...
Letters Study #6 This week’s teaching unpacked the truth that, only the Gospel has the power to truly reconcile my life and reorient the way that I live....
Teacher, do you not care if we perish? There are moments when reflecting on Scripture that the obvious answer to a question is not so obvious. At least at first. In a summer...
How pride makes ministry to the poor more difficult What keeps us from ministering effectively to the poor and needy? Could it be that pride often gets in our way? Kyle Bartholic...
Letters Study #5 2 CORINTHIANS: Treasure that Shines through Clay If last week’s “straightforward” letter from Paul to the Corinthian Christians...
Is it Time to be Afraid? We have a Sovereign Savior! The title of the op-ed couldn’t help but catch my eye. I’ve Never Been So Afraid for America—William A....
Overcoming challenges in sports ministry Jeff South and RJ Sumrall (Fellowship of Christian Athletes Director for ISU football) each share a story about how God showed up for...